How to mod stalker call of chernobyl
How to mod stalker call of chernobyl

It also tag any mods which got overwritten completely as 'redundant' with a special icon.

how to mod stalker call of chernobyl

MO2 shows you exactly which mod conflict with which other mods, providing a detailed list of every single file which is affected.Because mods are linked with the game without any physical file movements, this means disabling & enabling mods, re-organizing mod order are INSTANT without any waiting or loading. Unlike other applications like JSGME which have two copies of every mods (one under it's care, one copied into game folder), MO2 only stores one copy of installed mod - and 'magically' link it with the game upon launching the game, without physically moving anything.

how to mod stalker call of chernobyl

no duplicate mod files in different directories.

how to mod stalker call of chernobyl

  • do not modify the original game files, instead it load mod files on top of the game upon launching the game, by utilizing something called "virtual file system".

  • How to mod stalker call of chernobyl