Men of war assault squad 2 best mods
Men of war assault squad 2 best mods

men of war assault squad 2 best mods men of war assault squad 2 best mods

The first line of defenders dropped quickly and I pushed my tank further away, drawing fire from a few Shermans, which quickly died a fiery death, and taking out another infantry unit in the process.

men of war assault squad 2 best mods

I decided to bring in a Tiger, which is powerful but expensive, and to support it with a StugIII and some Panzergrenadiers, a combined arms team that should be able to punch through. I was able to sneak two squads for classic infantry up the sides of the map and steadily take out United States squads, but I had big problems in the center, where some stubborn defenders with machine guns entrenched themselves behind some solid fortifications.

Men of war assault squad 2 best mods